Monday, March 7, 2011

Achooclate! Bless You!

My mother is allergic to chocolate, or so she says.
Every time she eats some she has a sneezing fit for a few minutes. Instead of going to an allergist to see how allergic she is or decide to stop eating chocolate she just continues to shove it down her pie hole.

The other night my family and I went to a restaurant for dinner. Of course after the main course was gone we had to have dessert. You would think that my mother would order something without chocolate, like a slice of apple pie, vanilla ice cream, coffee, something.
Instead she orders chocolate pudding pie. Enter sneezing fit. After a few rounds of sneezing and bless you's my dad and I begin poking fun at my mother's inability to give up chocolate.
After a few lame jokes and some silence, my dad bursts out with Achooclate!
Having a relatively similar sense of humor I instantly find this hilarious. My mom of course feels insulted and glares at us across the table for a bit until our laughter becomes infectious.
Ever since that dinner, anytime my mother is seen with chocolate by anyone in our household we call her Achooclate!

Have an odd nickname or a weird story behind how you got yours? Share it here!

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Pain in the Buddle

My sister is twelve but she has a really dirty mouth. These days I guess it isn't so odd that young kids curse constantly. The one word that my dad really hates is butt hole. I really don't know why but there it is. Out of all the words that come out of her mouth that is the one he dislikes most. He says it's vulgar, as if the other fifteen words that escape her lips are not.

It makes him pretty upset when she calls him a butt hole so she does it on purpose. The sad thing is that when my dad gets really angry about something he laughs. He says, he laughs because otherwise he'd kill her but frankly I think he finds it funny.
One day my dad comes home from work and is already more annoyed than usual when he walks through the door and my sister starts with the name-calling and the cursing. Well, like I said in a previous post my dad does not just take the name-calling but starts in on it too. When he gets flustered my dad comes up with some odd comebacks, butternut squash head is one of them. But my sister's nickname is another, Buddle.
Like I said before he hates the word butt hole but he still wanted to use it. Sadly kids these days will throw whatever you do and say back in your face. So he mushed the words together and came up with Buddle.
Instead of just using the insult once, the name stuck to my sister like gum to the underside of a table.

The funniest thing is that Buddle pops up in real life sometimes. There is a street in a town close by called Buddle St. Being avid soccer fans we also learned that there is a soccer player with the last name Buddle. Needless to say he has become one of our favorites, just because of the name.
So there you have it, Butternut Squash Head and Buddle, sisters with nicknames courtesy of their father.

Got an odd nickname or a weird story behind yours? Share it!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Corn: The Girl, Not the Grain

Have you ever been sitting in class on the first day wondering if you are actually in the right room? You sit there and look around the room for someone you know so that you can ask them what the course number of the class is. You see no one, so you are forced to sit there and wait until your name is called.

The professor comes in and sits down. They greet the class and pull out the attendance sheet, and you hope your name is on that list because if not you'll look like an idiot getting up and walking out. Then a bigger idiot when you find your right classroom and walk in almost fifteen minutes late (if you're lucky).

So you're sitting there twiddling your thumbs as the professor reads the names out loud. Mike Allen, Corn Anderson, there is a pause as the professor looks around the room and repeats the name, Corn Anderson. And suddenly you perk up because that's your last name, and the first letter of Corn is the same letter as your first name so you tentatively raise your hand and clear your throat.

"Corn Anderson?" the professor asks.

"Corinne," you answer giving your real name, because for some reason this professor has assumed that the "i" is silent and the extra syllable is not needed when pronouncing a name.

The professor nods, apologizes and continues on with the roll call. But the damage has been done. The people you are sitting next to and the three kids in the back of the room that you didn't see that you went to high school with have heard this and now they have decided that your nickname will be Corn forever. They share the name with all their friends and then it gets back to your close friends and suddenly, everyone has decided that the "i" is silent and the extra syllable doesn't matter.

This was not the first time I was called Corn. It seems to happen quite often. Referees used to call me Corn when they were checking the players in before a game, teachers throughout high school, and a few extracurricular activities like swim, gymnastics, and drawing class. However, the worst part is not that people decide that the name is not what it appears to be.

No the worst part, is that I cannot even eat corn. It makes me sick to my stomach. My friends and those around me who know of my nickname and my particular relationship with corn find it that much funnier. A girl called Corn, who can't eat corn. Apparently that is extremely funny, and sadly I agree.

Got an odd nickname or a weird story about how you got yours, feel free to share!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I am Butternut Squash Head.

Have you ever wondered how some people get their nicknames, especially ones like Butternut Squash Head? It's crazy to think that a simple discussion about what to have for dinner can result in such an odd nickname.
My father and I have a peculiar relationship. We make fun of each other and people around us constantly. One night we were throwing out our normal joking insults when he seemed to run out of witty comments. Instead of backing down and admitting defeat, he picked up a Butternut Squash and said, "Well, you're a Butternut Squash Head!
And wa-la! I am now Butternut Squash Head to my father.

Got an odd nickname? Or a really funny story about how you got yours? Share it!